In this experiment you can see how well attention can be divided between two tasks, in this case a tracking task and a target detection task. This expeirment is modeled generically on dual task methodologies used in the human-factors field. The tracking task is called the primary task and the target detection is called the secondary task. IN this experiment, the IV is the difficulty of the secondary task as manipulated by the duration that the secondary task is on. You can also manipulate other variables but that would require multiple runs of the experiment.
You can adjust several parameters to design your own version of the experments. The settings are discussed below.
You can adjust several parameters to design your own version of the experments. The settings are discuss below.
Secondary Stimulus Duration (ms): choose the different duration that the
secondary target will be on. This is the primary indendent variable. These trials are presented in blocks.
Trial Duration: how long the tracking period should be.
Number of Trials/Duration: how many trials at each level of secondary
target duration.
Reset Method At the top of the settings page is a Reset Method button.
Pressing this button restores the stimulus settings to their default values.
Change the settings below to alter the stimulus parameters in this experiment.
Change the settings below to alter the parameters of the experimental method.
Below, press the spacebar or the Open Experiment Window button on the screen to open the window where the experiment will run. When this screen opens, press the spacebar or click the "Start" button to begin the experiment. There are instructions above the "Start" button. Read them to know how to perform the experiment. Keep your eyes fixated on the red plus sign in the middle of the screen.
Your data will be presented on the results tab. The x-axis will have the secondary stimulus durations. The y-axis will show the different dependent variables (tracking error and secondary target measures). To download your trial-by-trial, press the Show Data link. To download the summary data press the Show Summary link. This data will be stored in a csv format readable by most spreadsheet and statistical programs.