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Video works by half  frames and movies flash each image 2 to 3 times to get rid of flicker.
Apparent motion is different from next topic which is flicker.  A much lower rate of update is necessary for apparent motion than flicker as will be seen.
Flicker is much more of the problem.
Most artificial light sources flicker.  That is they turn on and off repeatedly.
The threshold is usually given as 60 Hz.
But that is a general value.  It depends upon many factors  such as brightness and size. So as brightness and size of monitors increased.   There is a need to increase the frame rate.  That is happening on many displays today but not all. Bridgeman, B. (1998).  Durations of stimuli displayed on video display terminals: (n-1)/f+persitence.  Psychological Science, 9, 232-233.
On clean motion:  observe lcd’s which are generally slower and thus on longer and recall the old green monochrome monitors on the early PCs
Bridgeman, B. (1998).  Durations of stimuli displayed on video display terminals: (n-1)/f+persitence.  Psychological Science, 9, 232-233.
Edit Size, src – what start see – invert2 and HREF for both netscape and IE passages
Add 15 pixels to vert so controller will be seen – subtract 5 to completely hide
Just use SRC if want to start as page loads
IE needs whole URL in HREF but not netscape.
Target variable keeps the video in the same page.
IE SRC can be any thing that QT will open.
Netscape seems to want it to be a movie.