Format and Guidelines
for Laboratory Write-up
- General Issues
- Documents must be Word 97-2003
(.doc) or Word 2007 format (.docx)
- The document file name must
have the following structure:
- lastnameF-labname.doc (or
.docx) (The F at the end of lastname
stands for the first initial. You don't
all have different last names.)
- Labs are to be uploaded to
Moodle by 10 am the following Tuesday Morning..
- Page Layout
- All pages must be double spaced
- Pages must have margins of 1"
- The font must be either Times New Roman or Ariel
or Calibri
- The font size must be 12 point
- Page numbers must be in the upper right hand
corner of the page and start on the title page
- Headings
- Main headings (e.g. Method, Results) should be
centered on their own line and in bold. No
extra lines should be used before or after this
- Secondary Headings (e.g., participants) should
be left justified in bold. No extra lines
should be used before or after this heading
- Sections of a Lab Report: Unless otherwise instructed,
each lab report must have the following sections:
- Title Page which has the following elements:
- Title
- Your name
- Both are centered about 1/3 the way down
the page.
- The first page number shows up on this page.
- Introduction
- begins with the main heading title
- This section gives the background for the
- Method (note that this is singular) This
section has the following subsections (each is a
secondary heading).
- Participants
- This section describes those that
participated in the experiment
- Stimulus
- Describes in clear, precise detail the
stimulus that was presented to the
- Particular care is needed here because
usually this describes the independent
variable that is being manipulated
- Equipment
- Describe the equipment used in the
- Includes both software and hardware
- Only include items that are not general
purpose and well known - like a ruler should
not be in this section.
- Can come before the stimulus section
- Procedure
- Describe in a simple direct manner, the
method used to collect the data.
- The actual collection of the data is a
real part of the method and should be
described. It is vital that what data
is collected (the dependent variable) is
absolutely clear to the reader - not just in
your head.
- Results
- A clear description of the data collected, how
it has be manipulated, and what it means.
- It is not sufficient just to put the data out
there. This is the time to interpret the
- Figures:
- Conclusion
- What did you find?
- What does it mean?
- Interpret the results in light of the
- References
- Include a reference section for all works that
you use in your writeup.
- You may use either MLA or APA format for the
- You should at least has a reference to the
text as it will be used in the Equipment
subsection of the Method section (see above).
Guidelines: Here are some
general guidelines to help you write a better report.
- General
- Forget about how you have written other lab
reports. These are not lab reports but papers.
- Think more about how you write papers in other
classes. If you find yourself writing in lab
report language, stop and start over.
- Your audience is a person who has never been in
the lab.
- The lab report is an act of communication to
someone who has never been in your lab, not a simple
recitation of what you have done.
- You might need help with some of the
concepts. Waiting till the last night will not
allow you to seek help. Do not put these
reports off so I can give you help. Not
understanding a concept is no excuse.
- Always give the units for every measure unless
instructed otherwise. You will only not give
measures if the measure is a ratio of two numbers
that have the same units so that the units cancel,
e.g, gain in the Critical Bands lab.
- Do not use first person
pronouns. The reader knows who you are and
it gets very redundant to use it.
- Do not use rhetorical
questions. It is a cheap rhetorical device.
- Only use quotations if the
words are actually significant. Usually
- Do not begin sentences with
- As in all academic writing make
sure you cite all sources and give proper
- Introduction
- The point of the introduction is to clearly
explain the point of the study and give the
background ideas.
- Discuss what is being studied, such as depth, or
critical bands
- Discuss what is the question, such as if
stereopsis can support size constancy or if critical
bands are the same everywhere.
- Do not begin with the point of the lab. That
is too specific and will not make sense to someone
outside this class (which is your imaginary
audience). Give the background first.
- End with your hypothesis, but it must make sense
based upon the information you provide.
- You should use sources, but in most cases the text
is fine.
- Do not use rhetorical questions. If you have
a sentence with a question mark at the end.
Change it into a statement.
- Method:
- The point of the methods is that how an experiment
is done determines how the data may or may not be
- In science quite literally it is the means
justifies the end not the other way around.
- Below are some comments on each section:
- Participants
- Need to indicate those characteristics of
the participants that are important to know
and might influence the outcome of the
- Exactly what will be needed will depend on
the study.
- Consider how variations in the person
could alter the outcome of the study
- Stimulus (or stimuli if more than one stimulus
is used)
- This is the key section of the method for
a sensation and perception experiment.
It is the manipulation of the stimulus that
is the IV.
- The IV should be clear from how you
describe the stimulus.*
- The reader should be able to reproduce the
stimulus at their end, even and especially
if they do not have the equipment that you
- Share with others not in this class and
see if they can describe the stimulus as you
experienced it - in all its variations.
- Specific measures that describe the
dimensions of the stimulus should be given
unless told not to.
- You may use figures here to good effect to
help make what you are describing more
- Equipment
- Do not describe generally known equipment
- like a ruler
- However, little research is done with
general purpose equipment.
- So the equipment and how it works should
be described - not all features but enough
to give a general idea
- Computers and monitors are not general
purpose equipment because they vary so much
from model to model
- The maker and model number, when possible,
should be given
- Procedure
- This should describe the sequences of
events performed to collect the data.
- Any steps that require intimate knowledge
of the software or equipment - like move
this slider - should be described in terms
of the impact - like the stimulus intensity
was controlled by the participant.*
- The steps to set up the software is not
part of the procedure. You have
described the end result above in the
stimulus section and equipment section -
that is enough.*
- You are describing the psychophysical
method here. But be specific.
Saying a Method of constant stimuli has
seven levels tells the reader nothing.
Tell them what they are levels of: sound
intensity, circle sizes, or gap sizes.
Whatever is being manipulated.
- The whole point of the method is to
collect data. Therefore, tell me what
the data is and how it was collected.
To leave this information out is to waste
your time and your readers as you have
ignored the whole point of the experiment -
to collect data.*
- Data is a general term. It is not
enough to say "We collected data."
That tells the reader nothing.
- Bad: "Data was collected."
- Better: "At the end of the trials, the
number of correct detections for each
sound intensity was recorded."
- or
- Bad: "The PSE was written down."
- Better: "The size of the comparison
circle that is the same size as the
standard was recorded."
- Results:
- Any significant changes to the data from the form
it is collected should be told to the reader.
They need to trace what has happened to the data.
- If data is in a graph or table, include it
directly in this section
- If a figure or table are used, the table should be
introduced - tell the reader what is in it - and
then tell the reader what it means - there should be
something you are trying to tell the reader in the
table or graph - well, tell the reader*
- You are telling a story. The story of your
- Conclusion:
- First, tell the reader what you conclude from your
data based upon your hypothesis you have. Do
you support or reject your hypothesis?
- So, what does this experiment tell us about our
sensory systems? That is the point of the
experiment to learn something. So what has
been learned? Think broadly and speculate.
- Notice limitations of the study.
- References:
- Citations: A citation is what is put in the body
of the paper to refer to the full bibliographic
reference placed here at the end of the paper.
You may use either APA or MLA style of
citations for there lab reports, whichever you are
more comfortable with.
- Reference is the full bibliographic information so
that a source of information can be found.
- To not give proper citation and reference for
information not your own is Plagiarism and
constitutes academic dishonesty.
- Citation and Reference formats are found in Rules
for Writers by Diana Hacker that is handed out
in Great Works.