Educational Testing Service P.O. Box 6000 Princeton, New Jersey 08541-0001 Phone: 609-921-9052 The fee is $60 for the general aptitude test and $30 for each advanced test. The examinations are given in October, December, January, February, April and June. The October administration of the examinations will be preferred for two reasons. First, it meets the deadline requirements for fellowships and other financial aid programs, and second, there is sufficient time to retake the tests if the results do not fulfill expectations. In this case, both sets of scores will be sent out to the graduate schools by testing services. Registration for the October administration is usually during the first week of September.
The Psychological Corporations 304 East 45 Street New York, New York 10017 Phone: 212-754-3215 The fee is locally determined.
While we hope that the limited suggestions we have supplied here will be of assistance to psychology students, we must emphasize that there is no substitute for the advice of a knowledgeable faculty member.