Bass, L. A. The effects of visual correctives on identification of CVC trigrams. Unpublished B. A. Thesis, Hanover College, 1990. Paper read to the Mid-America Undergraduate Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April, 1991.
Coryell, E. R. Parental child-rearing style and the development of locus of control in children. Unpublished B. A. Thesis, Hanover College, 1991. Paper read at the Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Franklin,IN, April 1992, and at the Undergraduate Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April, 1992.
DeBeer, D. L. Sensation seeking and psychopathic deviancy. Unpublished B. A. Thesis, Hanover College, 1991. Paper read at the Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Franklin, IN, April, 1992.
Hartman, M. L. Differences in and correlates of sensation seeking in male and female athletes and nonathletes. Unpublished B. A. Thesis, Hanover College. Paper read at the Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April, 1991.
Hartman, M. L., & Rawson, H. E. (1992). Differences in and correlates of sensation seeking in male and female athletes and nonathletes. Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 805-812.
Krantz, J.H., Silverstein, L.D., & Yeh, Y. (1991). Visibility of active matrix LCDs under simulated cockpit lighting conditions. Society for Information Display Digest for Technical Papers, 21.
Krantz, J.H., & Silverstein, L.D. (1990). Color matrix display image quality: The effects of spatial and luminance sampling. Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers, 21.
Rawson, H. E., & Barnett, T. (1992). Changes in children's manifest anxiety in a therapeutic short-term camping experience: An exploratory study. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 27, 22-32.
Rawson, H. E., & Boling, T. (1991). Locus of control in Bahraini and American students. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 25, 5-9.
Rawson, H. E., & McIntosh, D. E. (1991). The effect of therapeutic camping on the self-esteem of children with severe behavior disorders. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 25, 41-50.
Rawson, H. E., & McIntosh, D. E. (1991). Does camping really lead to changes in self-esteem? Camping Magazine, 63, 18-21. (Recipient of the J. Wendall Howe Golden Quill Research Award.)
Rawson, H.E. & Tabb, L.C. (1993). Effects of therapeutic intervention on childhood depression. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 10(1), 39-52.
Richardson, D. K. Self-esteem and body weight in male and female college students. Unpublished B. A. Thesis, Hanover College, 1991. Paper read at the Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Franklin, IN, April, 1992.
Smith, K., & Krantz, J.H., (1992). Monocular depth aftereffct. Paper read at the Indiana Academy of Science, Munice, IN November, 1992.
Stockton, L. A. Children's reactions to their peers wearing eyeglasses. Unpublished B. A. Thesis, Hanover College, 1991. Paper read at the Mid-America Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, Franklin, IN, April, 1992.
Terry, R.L. (1993). How wearing eye glasses affects facial recognition. Current Psychology, 12, 151-162.
Terry, R.L., & Krantz, J.H. (1993). Dimensions of trait attributions associated with eyeglasses, men's facial hair, and women's hair length. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1757-1769
Terry, R.L., & Stockton, L.A.(1993). Eyeglasses and children's sohemata. Journal of Social Psychology, 133, 425-438.