Instructions for Submitting a Study
To submit a new study for the site please send an email with the
following information:
Subject heading: Study for Listing on Psychological Research on
the Net
In the body I need:
The Title of the Study to Post:
Researcher(s) Name and Institution(s):
Section Suggestion (Feel free to suggest a new one):
(I will only post the study under one section on the website)
Web Address of Study:
Ethics Review Information:
If you do not use webmail you can click on this link:
Submit a Study
and it will create a blank email with the proper subject heading
and will list the information you need to send me at the top of the email.
Many thanks for your link and your help.
John H. Krantz, Ph.D.
Hanover College
Hanover, IN USA
Maintained by John H. Krantz, Ph.D.
Hanover College