Cognition Laboratory Experiments

John H. Krantz, Hanover College,






Mental Imagery


Decision Making


Statistical Concepts

Hanover College
Psychology Department

Here is a small set of experiments designed for my cognitive psychology class.  There are many sets of cognitive psychology experiment available.  What is unique about these is the combination of their being web deliverable and that the parameters of the experiment can be adjusted by you.  I will add instructions pages when I get. 

If you have any suggestions for variables that you would like me to add to my experiment, please email me.  If I add your suggested variable, I will acknowledge you on the instruction page for the experiment.

NOTE: The java version of the experiments will no longer be supported but they will still be online. I am currently beginning develoment of JavaScript versions of these experiments. When added, they will be put on this list. These experiments, initially will have fewer options, but they will also have several features, like graphs with error bars and the ability to plot trial data, not present in these experiments. If you have a request of an experiment you would like to see added sooner let me know and I will try to accomodate your request. See the current JavaScript site here.

Java is currently making it difficult to run web apps. For a work around click here.

Index of Current Experiments





Mental Imagery
Language Tasks

Decision Making



Statistical Concepts

Related Sites:

.  An open-source tool for building Web-Based Surveys

Sensation and Perception Tutorials

Neuroscience Animations

Psychology Tutorials

Basic Neural Tutorials

A Model of the Retina/LGN and Primary Visual Cortex (V1)

